2011-2012 Silicon Valley Championship – progress
Update 3/2: We believe we are almost completely confirmed for Del Mar HS for March 18th but it is not 100% as the paperwork is not completely signed off. We are uncomfortable publishing this until completely confirmed but understand that teams/volunteers/coaches want an update. We do hope/expect that all will be completely confirmed on Monday 3/5 at the very latest. Jill & Mark
Thanks to the coaches that responded to my direct survey monkey survey over the weekend. The 3 Sundays – 3/11, 3/18 and 3/25 – were very close with a slight edge for 3/18 – these dates were much much better for teams over the 2 Saturdays: 3/10 and 3/24.
So we will be looking at a school site in this priority: 3/18, 3/25 and then (if required) 3/11. I am really saddened that there was not 1 date that all teams could attend. I am hopeful that teams will be able to accommodate as much as possible.
Will let you know when we know anything on the site front.