Team Swaps for all Championships are now closed 

Does your team really need to swap championship tournaments due to date conflicts or is your team willing to move championships to help out your fellow community teams?   Please read carefully.

Playing at Learning is coordinating teams to swap between the 3 championships.  This is a 1 for 1 exchange just between teams that are attending different championship tournaments.



If your team is willing to swap or team needs a swap,  please have REGISTERED COACH  (Lead Coach 1 or Lead Coach 2 based on the FIRST Team registration database) add a comment to this page – please use the email address to register that you used to register the team.

Please do not add any commentary on reason why or other information.  There is a Register link on the right side of this page (IMPORTANT – this is not tied to the site or or site – this will require a separate login account).

Just put one of the following 2 message options:

1.  Need Swap :  Team  #<insert team number, not name!>  currently  in <which Championship>,  can go to <which Championship(s)>


2.  Willing to Swap : Team #<insert team number, not name!>  currently in <which Championship >,  can go to <which Championship(s)>




Note that if you don’t use one of these 2 accepted formats, your comment will not be approved. 

Here are 2 examples:

Example 1.  Need Swap: Team #5 currently in San Jose, need to go to Peninsula.
Example 2:  Willing to Swap:  Team #5 currently in Peninsula, willing to go to either EB / SF / Cap or San Jose

[updated based on your team’s situation]


Then, on a first come, first served model of comments that follow the required format, we will “pair” up teams to swap.  we will notify both teams AND then delete their comments, so you should only see comments from “unpaired” teams.    We only will do a “straight swap”  between 2 teams  (1 team from each Championship date).

Then I will remove your team from your advancing championship and add your team to new championship.

Note that once you post a message it is considered to be a commitment  – and once paired, this is a one way move, so post carefully.